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7th CPC Paymatrix Level 13 Pay Fixation After Enhancement Of IOR From 2.57 To 2.67

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7th CPC Paymatrix Level 13 Pay Fixation after enhancement of IOR from 2.57 to 2.67

Clarification regarding fixation of pay consequent upon enhancement of IOR from 2.57 to 2.67 in respect of Level 13 of pay matrix corresponding to pre-revised Grade pay of 8700 – CGDA Orders

No. AN/XIV/14164/7th CPC/Corr/Vol-II

Dated : 12/09/2017

PCof A(Fys) Kolkata / Jt.CDA(AF) Nagpur
CDA(IT&SDC) Secunderabad

Subject: Clarification regarding fixation of pay consequent upon enhancement of IOR from 2.57 to 2.67 in respect of Level 13 of pay matrix corresponding to pre-revised Grade pay of 8700.

Of late, this HQrs has been receiving queries/ references from various Controller offices seeking clarification regarding the pay fixation under 7th CPC consequent upon enhancement of IOR (Index of rationalization ) vide MoF, Dept of Expenditure Resolution dated 16.05.2017 from 2.57 to 2.67 in respect of Level 13 of the pay matrix i.e corresponding to pre-revised Grade pay of Rs 8700/- .

2. In this context, it is clarified that Index of rationalization is to be applied for computation of first cell of a particular level i.e corresponding to a specific pay band and Grade pay under 6th CPC. Accordingly, a revised pay matrix has been provided under the Gazette of India dated 16.05.2017 incorporating the ibid enhancement from 2.57 to 2.67. It is however, intimated that the fitment factor of 2.57 as mentioned under Para 4(2) of Ministry of Finance resolution dated 25.07.2016 which is to be uniformly applied to all employees stands unchanged.

3. All pay fixation cases may be regulated accordingly.

( Kavita Garg )


Order Copy

Corrections In 7th CPC Concordance Tables (No.51 and 52)

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Corrections in 7th CPC Concordance Tables (No.51 and 52)

Revision of pension of pre-2016 pensioners/family pensioners in implementation of Government decision on the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission-Concordance tables- regarding

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. and Pensions
Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare

3rd floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi
Dated 13th September, 2017


Subject: Revision of pension of pre-2016 pensioners / family pensioners in implementation of Government’s decision on the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission Concordance tables- regarding.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s O.M. of even number dated 06.07.2017 on the above subject and to say that there is some error in the entries relating to the pre-revised pay of Rs.56050/- (6th CPC Grade pay: Rs.10,000, in CPC Level 14)) in Table 51 and Table 52 enclosed therewith.

2. It is requested that the existing Table 51 and Table 52 may be substituted by the enclosed Table 51 and Table 52, respectively. The revised entries have been shown in bold letters. .

(Harjit Singh)

Order Copy


CGEGIS Tables of Benefits for Savings Fund (Period from 01.07.2017 to 30.09.2017)

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CGEGIS Tables of Benefits for Savings Fund (Period from 01.07.2017 to 30.09.2017)

Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme-1980 -Tables of Benefits for the savings fund for the period from 01.07.2017 to 30.09.2017

Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure

New Delhi, the September 6, 2017

Office Memorandum

Sub: Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme-1980 -Tables of Benefits for the savings fund for the period from 01.07.2017 to 30.09.2017.

The Tables of Benefits for Savings Fund to the beneficiaries under the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme-1980, which are being issued on a quarterly basis from 1.1.2017 onwards, as brought out in this Ministry’s OM of even number dated 17.3.2017, for the quarter from 1.7.2017 to 30.9.2017, as worked out by IRDA based on the interest rate of 7.8% per annum (compounded quarterly) as notified by the Department of Economic Affairs as per their Resolution No. 5(1)-B(PD)/2017 dated 17.7.2017, are enclosed.

2. The Tables enclosed are of two categories as per the existing practice. As hitherto, the first Table of Benefits for the savings fund of the scheme is based on the subscription of Rs. 10 p.m. from 1.1.1982 to 31.12.1989 and Rs. 15 p.m. w.e.f. 1.1.1990 onwards. The second Table of Benefits for savings fund is based on a subscription of Rs. 10 p.m. for those employees who had opted out of the revised rate of subscription w.e.f. 1.1.1990.

3. While these orders are in respect of Table of Benefits for the period from 1.7.2017 to 30.9.2017, the Tables already issued for the quarters from 1.1.2017 to 31.3.2017 and from 1.4.2017 to 30.6.2017 are also reproduced for the sake of convenience and consolidation.

4. In their application to the employees of Indian Audit and Accounts Department, these orders are issued after consultation with the Comptroller 8s Auditor General of India.

5. Hindi version of these orders is attached.

(Amar Nath Singh)


savings Fund: 68.75% from 1.1.82 to 31.12.87
70% from 1.1.88 and onwards

Insurance Fund: 31.25% from 1.1.82 to 31.12.87
30% from 1.1.88 and onwards

Contribution @ Rs.10/- throughout
Accoumulated value of contribution from 1st January of year of Entry to the month and year of cessation year of cessation of membership -2017 month of cessation of membership

savings Fund: 68.75% from 1.1.82 to 31.12.87
70% from 1.1.88 and onwards

Insurance Fund: 31.25% from 1.1.82 to 31.12.87
30% from 1.1.88 and onwards

PLB For Eligible Defence Civilians Of Tthe Army Ordnance Corps (AOC) For The Year 2016-2017

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Productivity Linked Bonus for eligible Defence civilians of the Army Ordnance Corps (AOC) for the year 2016-2017

Government of India
Ministry of Defence

New Delhi, the 12th September, 2017

The Chief of the Air Staff,
New Delhi.

Subject: Productivity Linked Bonus for eligible Defence civilians of the Army Ordnance Corps (AOC) for the year 2016-2017.

1. I am directed to refer to the Productivity Linked Bonus Scheme already circulated vide this Ministry ‘s letter No.F.24(6)/80/D(JCM), dated 28th September,1983 as amended from time to time, and to convey the sanction of President to the payment of 40 days (Forty Days) wages in cash as PLB for the year 2016-2017 to the eligible civilian employees of the AOC.

2. The entitiement has been worked out on the basis of the working results for the year 2016-2017 in accordance with the agreed formula.

3. The PLB will be paid to all eligible Gp.’B’(Non-Gazetted), Gp.’C’ and Gp.’D’ civilian employees of AOC who are covered under PLB Scheme for the accounting year 2016-2017. The calculation ceiling of Rs.7000/-(7000*40/30.4) and other terms and conditions of the
PLB Scheme will remain unchanged.

4. Produuctivity Linked Bonus to the casual labourer will be paid at the assumed wages of Rs.1200/-p.m.(1200*40/30.4) for the accounting year 2016-2017,.However, in cases where the actual wages fall below Rs.1200/-p.m., the amount will be calculated on the actual monthly wages. The other conditions remain unchanged.

5. The Expenditure on this account will be debitable to Defence Services Estimates under respective Heads to which the pay and allowances of these employees are debited. The entire expenditure on the payment of PLB is to be met out of the sanctioned budjet grant for the year 2017-2018.

6. This issues with the concurrence of the Ministry of Finance (Deptt. Of Expenditure) vide their I.D. No. 300349248/E.III(A)/2017 dated 08.09.2017 and Defence (Finance/AG/PB) vide their Dy. No.149/AG/PB/2017 dated 11.09.2017

Yours faithfully,
(Pawan Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Government of India

Source: BPMS

PLB For Eligible Industrial Civilian Employees Of The Indian Air Force For The Year 2016-2017

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Productivity Linked Bonus for eligible industrial civilian employees of the Indian Air Force for the year 2016-2017

Government of India
Ministry of Defence

New Delhi, the 12th September, 2017

The Chief of the Air Staff,
New Delhi.

Subject: Productivity Linked Bonus for eligible industrial civilian employees of the Indian Air Force for the year 2016-2017.

1. I am directed to refer to the Productivity Linked Bonus Scheme already circulated vide this Ministry ‘s letter No.F.24(10)/80/D(JCM), dated 2nd November,1983 as amended from time to time, and to convey the sanction of President to the payment of 40 days (Forty Days) wages in cash as PLB for the year 2016-2017 to the eligible civilian employees of the Indian Air Force.

2. The entitiement has been worked out on the basis of the working results for the year 2016-2017 in accordance with the agreed formula.

3. The PLB will be paid to all eligible Gp.’B’(Non-Gazetted), Gp.’C’ and Gp.’D’ civilian employees of Indian Air Force who are covered under PLB Scheme for the accounting year 2016-2017. The calculation ceiling of Rs.7000/-(7000*40/30.4) and other terms and conditions of the
PLB Scheme will remain unchanged.

4. Produuctivity Linked Bonus to the casual labourer will be paid at the assumed wages of Rs.1200/-p.m.(1200*40/30.4) for the accounting year 2016-2017,.However, in cases where the actual wages fall below Rs.1200/-p.m., the amount will be calculated on the actual monthly wages. The other conditions remain unchanged.

5. The Expenditure on this account will be debitable to Defence Services Estimates under respective Heads to which the pay and allowances of these employees are debited. The entire expenditure on the payment of PLB is to be met out of the sanctioned budjet grant for the year 2017-2018.

6. This issues with the concurrence of the Ministry of Finance (Deptt. Of Expenditure) vide their I.D. No. 300349244/E.III(A)/2017 dated 08.09.2017 and MoD (Finance/AG/PB) vide their I.D. No. – 152/AG/PB/2017 dated 11.09.2017

Yours faithfully,
(Pawan Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Government of India

Source: BPMS

PLB For The Civilians Of The Indian Navy For The Year 2016-2017

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Productivity Linked Bonus for the civilians of the Indian Navy for the year 2016-2017

Government of India
Ministry of Defence

New Delhi, the 12th September, 2017

The Chief of the Naval Staff,
New Delhi.

Subject: Productivity Linked Bonus for the civilians of the Indian Navy for the year 2016-2017.

1. I am directed to refer to the Productivity Linked Bonus Scheme already circulated vide this Ministry ‘s letter No.F.24(9)/80/D(JCM), dated 28th september, 1983, as amended from time to time, and to convey the sanction of President to the payment of 40 days (Forty Days) wages in cash as PLB for the year 2016-2017 to the eligible civilian employees of the Indian Navy.

2. The entitiement has been worked out on the basis of the working results for the year 2016-2017 in accordance with the agreed formula.

3. The PLB shall be paid to all eligible Gp.’B’(Non-Gazetted), Gp.’C’ and Gp.’D’ civilian employees of Indian Navy who are covered under PLB Scheme for the accounting year 2016-2017. The calculation ceiling of Rs.7000/-(7000*40/30.4) and other terms and conditions of the
PLB Scheme will remain unchanged.

4. Produuctivity Linked Bonus to the casual labourer will be paid at the assumed wages of Rs.1200/-p.m.(1200*40/30.4) for the accounting year 2016-2017,.However, in cases where the actual wages fall below Rs.1200/-p.m., the amount will be calculated on the actual monthly wages. The other conditions remain unchanged.

5. The Expenditure on this account will be debitable to Defence Services Estimates under respective Heads to which the pay and allowances of these employees are debited. The entire expenditure on the payment of PLB is to be met out of the sanctioned budjet grant for the year 2017-2018.

6. This issues with the concurrence of the Ministry of Finance (Deptt. Of Expenditure) vide their I.D. No. 300349888/E.III(A)/2017 dated 08.09.2017 and MoD (Finance/AG/PB) vide their Dy. No.163/AG/PB dated 11.09.2017

Yours faithfully,
(Pawan Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Government of India

Source: BPMS

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