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GPF Guidelines for Submission of Final Withdrawal

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GPF Guidelines for Submission of Final Withdrawal

General Provident Fund – Guidelines for submission of Final Withdrawal / Temp. Advance / Final Settlement Bills and Dr./Cr. Schedules


Dated: 17.5.2018

All Controller of Finance & Accounts (Fys)
and Branch Accounts Offices

Sub: Guidelines for submission of Final Withdrawal / Temp. Advance / Final Settlement Bills and Dr./Cr. Schedules.

Ref: PCA (Fys) Circular No.F/l/20 dated 07.4.2016.

Of late, it has been observed that the directions enumerated in the Circular cited under reference are not being scrupulously followed by many Branch Accounts Offices. Hence, it is reiterated to ensure that subscription recovered and amount paid as withdrawals / temporary advances have been verified / vetted positively, duly indicating the DV Nos. and month of compilation, as this is a mandatory audit requirement for passing of any such claim for payment.

2. During the course of audit of GPF credit schedules received in this office, it has been noticed that many Branch Accounts offices are still having practices to forward only GPF changed statement in respect of subscribers of concerned factory / formation, to Main Office every month. In this context, it is pertinent to mention that complete GPF credit schedules for the RPB month of March every year is required for correct reconciliation and adjustment of data at this end. Hence, it is requested to forward complete GPF Credit Schedules for the RPB month of March only and Changed Statement for all the remaining months, for correct reconciliation and adjustment thereof.

3. If there is no Debit Schedule in any month, a certificate in this regard stating interalia – “It is certified that no GPF withdrawal / Temporary advance has been paid during the month of which must be rendered to this office by the 10th of the following month.

4. GPF Dr. / Cr. Schedules are required to be reconciled with COO-2 and PM. of the respective month positively before forwarding to this office for necessary action at this end. Dr. / Cr. Schedules should invariably be forwarded to this office by the 10th of the following month.

5. Final Settlement Bills must be forwarded to this office at least one month before the date of superannuation.

6. GPF Assets must be transferred at the earliest possible, along with all required documents.

7. Increase and decrease of GPF subscription should be allowed strictly as per GPF Rule 8(4).

The contents of the circular may please be brought to the notice of all the concerned officers and task holder under your jurisdiction.

PCA (Fys.) has approved.

Addl. Controller of Accounts (Fys.)


Confederation - Historic GDS All India Strike

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Historic GDS All India Strike – Confederation



1st Floor, North Avenue Post office Building, New Delhi – 110001




Dear Comrades,

As you are aware the indefinite strike of GDS Unions (AIPEU-GDS, AIGDSU, NUGDS & BEDEU) entered the 8th day today. All India strike percentage is 96%. Five rounds of discussions held with Secretary, Department of Posts, Additional Director General, Posts and conciliation meetings of Regional Labour Commissioner failed due to the adamant and negative attitude of the Government and Department. As per the call of NFPE and all affiliates of NFPE, departmental employees in Postal department organised black badge campaign and protest demonstration as solidarity support to the GDS strike. In five states (Kerala, Tamilnadu, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and West Bengal) departmental employees also organised solidarity strike eventhough in four states (Tamilnadu, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and West Bengal) they have withdrawn the solidarity strike on the fourth day due to compelling reason. In Kerala departmental employees of NFPE and FNPO are continuing their strike. In all states including those states where the departmental employees have withdrawn the solidarity strike, 100% GDS employees are continuing their strike.

Confederation of Central Government employees & Workers has already given call for daily demonstration in front of Postal and RMS offices and also extend full support and solidarity to the strike.

As the strike is continuing Confederation National Secretariat and NFPE Federal Secretariat has decided to organize mass hunger fast in front of major Post office/RMS offices on 31st May 2018 Thursday from 10 AM to 5 PM. It is also decided to mobilise maximum number of employees from Delhi and nearby states in the Sanchar Bhawan March already announced by the striking GDS Unions on 1st June 2018 Friday at 10:30 AM.

All affiliates and State/District Level Coordinating Committees of Confederation and NFPE are requested to organize the above mentioned programmes in an effective manner with biggest participation of employees.

Yours fraternally,

(M. Krishnan) 
Secretary General
Mob: & WhastApp – 094470688125

(R. N. Parashar)
Secretary General
Mob: & WhatsApp – 09868819295

Source: Confederation

Proposal Of The Staff Side To Record Disagreement Of Unsettled 6th CPC Anomalies

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Proposal of the Staff Side to record disagreement of unsettled 6th CPC anomalies and to refer the same to Arbitrator Comments

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel P.G. & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

North Block, New Dlehi
Dated: 02.02.2018

Office Memorandum

Sub: Proposal of the Staff Side to record disagreement of unsettled 6th CPC anomalies and to refer the same to Arbitrator Comments, regarding

The undersigned is directed to refer to JCA Section’s OM No. 11/1/2015-JCA dated 29.11.2017 and OM No. 3/3/2016-JCA dated 18.01.2018 on the above mentioned subject. With regard to request of JCA Section to discuss the issue with Staff Side. It is stated that it is not known on which issue Staff-Side desires to discuss the issue. Since the MACP Scheme is very complex, it would be appropriate that the matter may be discussed in the JCM meeting itself. However, latest status on the issue raised by Staff Side in the Standing Committee meeting held on 27.07.2012, 25.10.2016 and 03.05.2017 are furnished as under:-


Follow up action
Latest Status
Grant of MACP in the promotional hierachy
Staff side was informed that it was not possible to
agree to the demand. Demand for allowing individual option for either ACPS or
MACPS  was also  not agreed to.
No, action is required
Matter is sub-judice before Hon’ble Supreme Court.
Date of effect of MACP Scheme
Staff side was advised to reconsider their demand
for making MACPS effective from 01.01.2006.
No action.
No action
Counting of 50% of service rendered by Temporary
Status Casual Labour for reckoning 10/20/30 years under MACP Scheme that
It was decided that this issue may be taken up by
the staff side in the National Council separately.
No action is required
Stepping up of pay of senior incumbents at par with
junior incumbents as a consequence of ACP/MACPS.
Official side states that steeping up of pay in the
pay band or grade pay junior getting more pay than the senior on
account of pay fixation under the MACP Scheme can be considered as a special
dispensation and suitable clarificatory instructions will be considered.
1.       Instructions in this regard have been issued vide OM dated
2.       On a reference from Ministry of Railways, the issue was
considered, wherein it was categorically stated that the anomaly in  Accounts Cadre of Railways cannot be
attributed to ACP/MACP Schemes, but due to facility cadre structure.
7th CPC has recommended in Para 11.40.81
for stepping up of pay in circumstantial ground prevalent in M/o Railways.
On the proposal of M/o Railways for accepting this
recommendation of 7
th CPC, file has been referred to D/o
Expenditure for approval
Benchmark for MACP
Suitable instructions to be issued that wherever
promotions are given on non selection basis (seniority-cum-fitness) the
prescribed benchmark as mentioned in para 17 of Annexure 1 of MACPS dated
19.05.2009 will not be applicable and the benchmark for promotion will apply
for the purpose of MACPS.
Instructions in this regard have been issued vide OM
dated 04.12.2012
As per recommendations of 7th CPC, Benchmark
for MACP has been enhanced to Very Good for all the posts vide OM dated
Grant of ACP benefit to Artisan Staff of Ministry of
Official side informed that the matter has already
been examined and it is not amenable so acceptance.
The matter has been again examined on a reference
from M/o Defence.
The matter has been closed in the meeting of
Standing Committee held on 03.05.2017.
Issues already resolved and hence closed
Multiple issues
No action.
Employees who got one promotion prior to 01.09.2008
and completed over two decades of  service without benefit of promotion and are
denied third MACPs.
Official side has stated that this is a peculiar
situtation and agreed to consider this issue on the basis of a reference to
be made by the Ministry of Railways.
On a reference from M/o Railways the issue was
examined in consultation with the D/o Expenditure and the proposal was not
agreed to.
No action.

Follow up action on the meeting of Standing Committee held on 25.10.2016 under the Chairmanship of Secretary (P) on the issues relating to MACPS

Follow up action
Ensuring Five Promotions in the Service Career and
Grant of MACP in the promotional hierarchy.
It was observed by Secretary (P) that the reason
behind delay in promotion was also due to delay in completion and
implementation of cadre review report and instructions would be issued to
speed up cadre review.
Action required from CRD Division.
With regard to other demand i.e. grant of MACP in
promotional hierachy, it is stated that if MACP will be granted in the
promotional hierarchy, it will give rise to uneven benefit to employees
falling in the same pay scale since several organizations adopted different
hierarchical pattern. Consequently employees working in organizations having
greater number of intermediate greater number of intermediate grades will
suffer because financial upgradation under MACPS will place them in lower pay
scale vis-à-vis similarly placed employees in another organization that had
lesser intermediary grades.
Further, 7th CPC has also recommended
that MACP will continue to be administered in the hierarchy of level in the
Pay Matrix
Grant of 3rdMACP in GP Rs. 4600/- to the
Master Craftsman (MCM) of Defence Ministry who were holding the post of MCM
in the pre-revised pay scale of Rs. 4500-7000/- as on 31.12.2005.
Joint Secretary (Estt.). DoP&T informed that the
issued would be re-examined.
Formal proposal of M/o Defence has been received. The
matter was discussed with the representatives of M/o Defence twice i.e. on
19.01.2016 and 26.01.2016. The issue will be referred to D/o Expenditure for
reconsideration of their earlier advice.
Withdraw the stringent conditions unilaterally imposed
by Government for grant of Modified Assured Career Progression (MACP) in
promotion and grant MACP on promotional.
Staff Side demand that Government should either make
MACP promotional hierarchy centric or they should not make it conditional..

Secretary (Estt.). DoP&T explained that the principle stil remains the
same as for promotion also, the benchmark is “Very Good”.
No action is required.

Follow up action on the meeting of Standing Committee held on 03.05.2017 under the Chairmanship of Secretary (P) on the issues relating to MACPS

Comments of Establishment Division
Ensuring Five promotions in the Service Career
It was informed that when this anomaly was earlier
pointed out to the Joint Committee it was promised that this would be
reconsidered and rectified. They suggested that if the MACP scheme was
considered more beneficial the employee should be given option to choose
whether be wants ACP Scheme of MACP scheme. The Chairman desired to know if
there was any pay commission recommendation on this issue, on which he was
informed that there was not.
It was decided that the Establishment Division would
examine the issue further.
It is stated that if MACP will be granted in the
promotional hierarchy it will give rise to uneven benefit to employees
falling in the same pay scale since several organizations adopted different
hierarchical pattern. Consequently employees working in organizations having
greater number of intermediate grades will suffer because financial
upgradation under MACPS will place them in lower pay scale vis-à-vis
similarly placed employees in another organization that had lesser
intermediary grades.
Further, 7th CPC has also recommended
that MACP will continue to be administered in the hierarchy of levels in the
Pay Matrix.
Grant of 3rdMACP in GP Rs. 4600 to the
Master Craftsmen (MCM) of Defence Ministry who were holding the post of MCM
in the pre-revised pay scale of Rs. 4500-7000 as on 31/12/2005
Establishment Division had through their letter
dated 09.02.2017 informed that a formal proposal of M/o Defence had been
received. The matter was discussed with the representatives of M/o Defence
twice i.e. on 19.01.2016, and 26.01.2016. The issue will be referred to D/o
Expenditure for reconsideration of their earlier advice.
The Staff-Side expressed satisfaction with the
action taken. It was decided that the item may be closed.
No action.
Withdraw the stringent conditions unilaterally
imposed by Government on grant of Modified Career Progression (MACP) in
promotions and grant of MACP on promotional hierarchy.
JS (Admn and JCA) informed that ever since the
introduction of disclosure of APARs, the number of employees getting higher
level of gradings may rise. Proposal needed to be evidence based. It was
decided that the Ministry of Railways may provide data on the trend of
recorded gradings of APARS.
Though the matter assigned to M/o Railways, however,
it is stated that the issue of enhancing the benchmark for promotion is under
active consideration of the Government and the modalities decided in the
matter of promotion will be made applicable in the case of MACP.
2. This issues with the approval of Joint Secretary (Establishment).

(Kuldeep Chaudhary)
Section Officer
Ph.No. 23040398

Source: Confederation

Brief on Payment of Gratuity (Amendment) Act, 2018

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Brief on Payment of Gratuity (Amendment) Act, 2018

” Representatives are requesting to this Ministry that the effective date of Payment of Gratuity (Amendment) Act, 2018 will 01.01.2016 instead of 29.03.2018 at par with the Central Government employees’

1. The Payment of Gratuity (Amendment) Bill, 2018 has been passed the 14th Sabba Sabha on 15.03.2018 and 22.03.2018 respectively and assented to by the Hon’ble President on 28th March, 2018.

2. The Government vide notification No.1420(E) dated 29th March, 2018 has enhanced the gratuity ceiling under the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 from Rs.10 lakh to Rs.20 Lakh with effect from 29th March, 2018.

3. A Large number of representations have been received in this Ministry from the Unions/Organizations/Individuals physically, through Social Media (Facehook/Twitter etc.) and PG Portal whereby the representatives are requesting to this Ministry that the effective date of Payment of Gratuity (Amendment) Act, 2018 will 01.01.2016 instead of 29.03.2018 at par with the Central Government employees’

4. In this regard, it is infirmed that on earlier occasions also, the enhancement in gratuity ceiling under the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 has been implemented with prospceiive date only. Further, implementation of the same with effect will be administratively difficult and employers may not have sufficient liquidity to meet the arrears liabilities.

FinMin Orders - Guidelines To Be Followed For Holding Of Conferences

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Guidelines to be Followed for Holding Of Conferences – Finmin Orders

Guidelines to be followed for holding of Conferences/ Workshops/ Seminars, etc. (Domestic and International)

No. 19/(36)/E.Coord/2018
Government Of India
>Ministry of Finance
Department Of Expenditure
E.Coord Branch

New Delhi, the 30th May, 2018


Subject: Guidelines to be followed for holding Of Conferences/ Workshops/Seminars, etc. (Domestic & International)

Ministry of Finance, Department Of Expenditure has been issuing guidelines for holding of Conferences/ Workshops/ Seminars, etc. (Domestic & International) from time to time with the objective that Ministries/Departments undertake such events keeping in mind the absolute necessity of it and adhering to uÃœnost economy. The extant guidelines have been reviewed and stand revised.

2. It has been decided that henceforth only proposals involving expenditure above Rs. 40 lakhs for International as well as domestic Conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops etc, will need to be referred to the Departrnent of Expenditure.

3. International conferences/ workshops Iseminars/ meetings etc:

i) All proposals involving expenditure of Rs. 40 Lakh or less for holding conferences/ workshops/ seminars} meetings etc. involving participation of foreign delegates may be decided by the Ministry/ Department in consultation with their Financial Adviser The approval of the Minister in Charge, political clearance from Ministry of External Affairs and clearance of Ministry of Home Affairs from security angle (wherever required) shall be obtained.

ii) All Proposals involving expenditure above Rs. 40 (Forty) lakh for incurring expenditure on holding conferences,’ workshops/ seminars/ meetings etc. with international participation should be referred to the Department of Expenditure (DOE) with the approval Of the Minister in Charge. political clearance from Ministry of External Affairs and clearance of Ministry of Home Affairs from
security angle (wherever required) for obtaining approval Of the Cabinet Secretary through Secretary (Expenditure).

iii) Commitment for bearing travel/ accommodation cost on participants from foreign countries should be kept to the barest minimum. Ministries/ Departrnents shall exercise utmost economy and austerity in this regard

iv) “In-principle” approval of the Minister-in-charge should be taken sufficiently in advance before the event.

v) Priority will be given to those conferences that arise out of intemational agreements/ obligations. Other conferences etc. should be planned only if there is residual provision in the Budget.

vi) All preparations for holding the conference and other formalities should be completed sufficiently in advance to avoid any last minute hitch and embarrassment.

vii) All administrative arrangements including issuance Of invitations should be done after receiving Cabinet Secretary’s approval or as per the powers delegated under this 0M.

4. Domestic conferences/ workshops Iseminars/ meetings etc: proposals involving RS 40 (Forty) lakh or less may be decided by the Ministry/ Department in consultation with their Financial Adviser. proposals involving expenditure above Rs 40 (Forty) lakh for incurring expenditure on holding conferences/ workshops/ seminars/ meetings etc, with participation limited to Indian delegates only may be referred to Department of Expenditure for approval of Secretary (Expenditure). Approval Of Secretary of the Ministry/ Department may be Obtained prior to the file being referred to Department Of Expenditure.

5. Autonomous Bodies:

i) Conferences held by Autonomous Bodies generally generate revenue from sponsorships and registrations and most of the time either they do not require government support or require in small portions. Administrative Ministries are competent to grant approval for holding the conferences (whether domestic or intemational) where no funds are required from Government

ii) However, if Government funds are required and the financial assistance required is more than Rs. 40 Lakhs for International as well as Domestic conferences/ workshops ‘seminars/ meetings etc. such cases shall be referred to Department of Expenditure.

6. General Instructions: While referring the cases of Conferences etc., whether domestic or international, to Department of Expenditure, following may be strictly adhered to:

(i) Holding of Exhibitions/ fairs/ seminars/ conferences/ workshops etc. abroad should be discouraged except for promotion of trade and business and for projection of ‘Brand India’. For this purpose, depending on the nature of event, if more than one Ministry/ Department is involved, a Nodal Ministry/ Department should be identified to take the lead for coordinating and organizing the event.

(ii) All proposals referred to Departrnent of Expenditure on the subject should be sent at least one month in advance of commencement of the event and only through the Financial Adviser concerned While referring the proposals to the Department of Expenditure, it may be ensured that necessary clearances viz. from Ministry Of External Affairs, Ministry of Home Affairs etc. and approval Of competent authority in the Ministry/ Department have been obtained and placed in the file. In the absence of these, the proposals will be retumed without processing in the Department of Expenditure

(iii) Sufficient provision in the relevant Budget should be ensured before such proposals are processed in the Ministry/ Departrnent and before referring proposals to Department Of Expenditure. The proposal should clearly indicate the budget provision.

(iv) Stipulated timeline for submission of proposals may be adhered to strictly. It may be noted that henceforth, delayed proposals will not be processed unless accompanied by a Delay Report containing reasons for delay, duly approved by the Administrative Secretary.

(v) Holding of conferences/ workshops Iseminars/ meetings etc. in Five Star Hotels is banned except in case of bilateral/ multilateral official engagements held at the level Of Minister-in-Charge or Administrative Secretary with foreign Government or international bodies of which India is a Member. Any deviation in this regard should be referred to the Department of Expenditure with adequate justification.

(vi) Ministries/Departments shall not resort to seeking ex post- facto approval on the proposals since they are liable to be rejected. Hence, adequate advance planning and obtention of all requisite approvals/clearances is emphasized

7. Notwithstanding the enhancement in the prescribed expenditure ceiling, all Ministries/ Departments shall ensure utmost economy in public expenditure.

8. This is in supersession of Department of Expenditure’s earlier instructions on tie subject cited above issued vide following OMs NO.:i) 19(9)/E.Coord/2011 dated 5th March, 2015

ii)19(9)/E.Coord/2012 dated 12th July, 2012
iii)19(9)/E.Coord/2012 dated 13th September, 2011
iv) 7(1)/E.Coord/2010 dated 13th September, 2010
v) 7(1)/E.Coord/2010dated 31st May, 2010
vi) 7(1)/E.Coord/2002 dated 28th May, 2003

9. These instructions will come into operation with immediate effect.

(H. Atheli)


Online Generation And Recording Of APAR Report

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Online generation and recording of Annual Performance Assessment Report (APAR)

Online generation and recording of Annual Performance Assessment Report (APAR) on SPARROW (Smart Performance Appraisal Report Recording Online Window) for all Organised Group ‘A’ Services – Extension of timelines for completion of APAR for the year 2017-18

No.21011/02/2015.A-II (Part.II)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

North Block, New Dlehi-110001
Dated the 21 May, 2018

Office Memorandum

Subject: Online generation and recording of Annual Performance Assessment Report (APAR) on SPARROW (Smart Performance Appraisal Report Recording Online Window) for all Organised Group ‘A’ Services – Extension of timelines for completion of APAR for the year 2017-18.

The undersigned is directed to invite a reference to this Department O.M. of even number dated 16th April, 2018 on the above subject.

2. As some of the Cadre Controlling Authorities of Organised Group ‘A’ Services are facing practical difficulties in getting the self-appraisal of the officers under their cadre on SPARROW web portal due to technical problems, it has been decided that the target dates prescribed in this Department O.M. No.21011/1/2005-Estt.(A) (P(II) dated 23rd July, 2009 be further relaxed as one time measure only for online generation, filling up of self-appraisal, reporting, reviewing and acceptance of APAR for the year 2017-18 through SPARROW web portal. The revised target dates for recording of APAH online for the year 2017-18 is enclosed as Annexure. This relaxation is subject to the condition that no remarks shall be recorded in the APAR for the year 2017-18 after 31.12.2018. Where the reporting, reviewing and accepting authority fail to record their comments within the time frame, the officer may be assessed on the basis of the overall record and self-assessment for the year, if he has submitted his self-assessment within the stipulated time.

3. This has the approval of Secretary, DoPT.a

(Ashwin Dattetraya, Thakre)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India

Annexure to DoPT OM No.21011/02/2015-Estt.A-II(Part-1I) dated 21 May, 2018
Time schedule for generation and recording of APAR for the year 2017- 18 through SPARROW web portal.

Date by which the No. activity to be completed
Submission of self-appraisal to the reporting
July, 2018
Forwarding of report by reporting officer to  reviewing officer
August, 2018
Forwarding of report by Reviewing Officer  to Administration/APAR Cell or the accepting
authority (wherever provided)
August, 2018
Appraisal by accepting authority, wherever provided
September, 2018
Disclosure of APAR to the
officer  reported upon where there is
no accepting authority
 Disclosure of APAR to the Officer reported
upon where there is accepting authority
September, 2018
September, 2018
Receipt of representation, if any, on APAR
15 days from the date of communication
Forwarding of representation to the competent
Where there is no accepting
authority for APAR
 Where there is accepting authority  for APAR
September, 2018
October, 2018
Disposal of representation by the Competent
Within one month of the date of receipt of
representation by the competent authority
Communication of the decision of the competent
authority on the representation by the APAR Cell
Within 15 days of finalization of decision by
competent authority
End of entire APAR process, after which  the APAR will be finally taken on record
December, 2018.

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