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CPAO Orders - Non - Issue Of Pension Slip By Banks

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Non-issue of Pension slip by banks

CPAO/1T&Tech/Bank Performance/37 (Vol III)/2018-19/23

Dated: 15.05.2018


Subiect: Non-issue of Pension slip by banks.

Attention is invited to para 4.6.6 of CPPC Guidelines issued by CPAO whereby it has been mentioned that “The Home Branch will meet all information needs of the pensioner using the CPPC system. The CPPC software will display on the computer screen, options and view of the details of calculation of pension and its breakup of the pension paid to the pensioner/ family pensioner. The Home Branch will act as intermediary between the pensioner & CPPC and, besides providing accounts statement, provide to the pensioners the TDS, pension slip, the Due and Drawn Statement in respect of each arrear and the Annual Income Statement”.

In view of the above, Heads of CPPCs and Heads of Government Business Divisions of all the authorized banks are requested to strictly adhere to the above mentioned provision of para 4.6.6 of the CPPC guidelines.

This issues with the approval of Chief Controller (Pensions)

(Praful Dabral)
Sr. Accounts Officer (IT & Tech)



CPAO Orders - Recovery of Excess Payment Made to Pensioners

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Recovery of Excess Payment Made to Pensioners – CPAO Orders

CPAO/IT&Tech/SCOVA/20 (Vol-I)/2018-19/20

Dated: 16.05.2018


Subject: Recovery of excess payment made to pensioners

It has been brought to the notice of this office that some Bank branches are refusing to disburse the family pension to the family pensioners until and unless the whole overpaid amount is credited back to the bank. This issue was also highlighted in the Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA) meeting Chaired by Hon’ble Minister of State of the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions.

In this context, RBI in consultation with Office of the CGA, Ministry of Finance, Deptt. of Expenditure has issued instructions for recovery of excess payment made to pensioners vide their Circular No. RBI/2015-16/340 DGBA GAD No.2960/45.01.001/ 2015-16 dated-17.03.2016 which is reproduced below:

a) As soon as the excess/wrong payment made to a pensioner comes to the notice of the paying branch, the branch should adjust the same against the amount standing to the credit of the pensioner’s account to the extent possible including lumpsum arrears payment.

b) If the entire amount of over payment cannot be adjusted from the account, the pensioner may be asked to pay forthwith the balance amount of over payment.

c) In case the pensioner expresses his inability to pay the amount, the same may be adjusted from the future pension payments to be made to the pensioners. For recovering the over-payment made to pensioner from his future pension payment in instalments 1/3rd of net (pension plus relief) payable each month may be recovered unless the pensioner concerned gives consent in writing to pay a higher instalment amount.

d) If the over payment cannot be recovered from the pensioner due to his death or discontinuance of pension then action has to be taken as per the letter of undertaking given by the pensioner under the scheme.

e) The pensioner may also be advised about the details of over payment/ wrong payment and mode of its recovery.

The above uniform procedure may be strictly adhered to while effecting recovery of excess/wrong pension payments made to pensioners and necessary instructions may be issued to the bank branches to ensure that no branch may refuse the pension/family pension to the pensioners on the pretext of excess payment/ recoveries.

This issues with the approval of Chief Controller (Pensions).

(Md. Shahid Kamal Ansari)
(Asstt. Controller of Accounts)


CPOA Orders - Non-Acceptance Of Nomination Form For Life Time Arrear (LTA)

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Non-acceptance of Nomination Form for Life Time Arrear (LTA) – CPAO Orders

CPAO/IT &Tech/Bank Performance/37 [Vol-111)/2018-19/22

Dated: 15.05.2018


Subject: Non-acceptance of Nomination Form for Life Time Arrear (LTA)

It has been observed that Pension Payee Scheduled Bank branches are not accepting Nomination Form for “Life Time Arrear” on the pretext that their branch has not received any instructions from their head office.

As per para 23 of the Scheme Booklet on acceptance of Nomination Form for Life Time Arrears provides that where the Nomination for the payment of arrears does not exist then the Authorized Bank will seek instructions of the CPAO, who will in turn, refer the matter to AG/CCA/CA/Dy.CA for obtaining the requisite sanction of Head of the Office. As such, the claimant can also approach the Head of Office where the pensioner served before his/her retirement/ death.

Moreover para 4.5.7 of the Scheme Booklet clearly states that “CPPCs may ensure that the responsibilities assigned to Home Branches are enforced so that the pensioners are not redirected to CPPC for redressal of grievances and information needs. Necessary performance measures and monitoring mechanisms, in co-ordination with the respective administrative structures to achieve the desired level of service delivery in Home Branches as well as CPPCs may be instituted by the Bank.”

This issues with the approval of Chief Controller (Pensions).

(Praful Dabral)
Sr. Accounts Officer (IT & Tech)



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